H S M B 2 0 1 0

H S M B 2 0 1 0 -- Your journey begins here...

Friday, June 18, 2010

All About You...

Since pre-trip is right around the corner, I thought it would be a good idea for all of us to start getting to know each other. Respond to this post by telling us what you like to do in your spare time. Do you have any hobbies or interests that you would like to share? Chances are there will be someone in the group with which you have someone in common. Also, it would help if you included a picture of yourself (you can attach by clicking on the picture above) so that people will know who to look for when they arrive on the first day of pre-trip.


  1. Hey!
    I hope everyone's summer is off to a good start! This summer, I'm catching up with a lot of reading I wish I could have been doing during school. I'm mostly reading environmental books. Sylvia Earle's most recent book, The World is Blue, is a great read... I highly recommend it if you like to read! Another thing I do everyday (well almost everyday) is run. I'm getting ready for my cross country season this fall at Lake Forest College. Music plays a large role in my life as well. I play piano and clarinet, and teach 3 kids piano once a week. I also like to take pictures and movies and make projects out of them! Finally, my biggest interest is the Ocean. I'm sure that's not a surprise!
    Well I can't wait to see you all next week!

  2. Wow, Hilary! You definitely keep yourself busy. I am glad you are now able to cross some books off your personal reading list now that school is over. It is amazing how school can sometimes hinder you from reading. Slightly ironic, huh? You will have to give us some highlights from The World is Blue druing pre-trip. You all are such an interesting group. Everyone has such a wide and diverse range of interests, hobbies and experiences with a commonality of science. That will all make for great conversation at the dinner table on the boat. We are finishing up the last details of pre-trip and we can't wait for you all to get here. See you on Thursday!

  3. Hi Everyone!
    I'm counting down the days until we set off for the Bahamas. I couldn't be anymore excited. I've spent pretty much the whole beginning of my summer in Peru with a group for school. (Just got back yesterday). It was a 2 week Spanish immersion program, and we spent almost a week with a host family in the city of Cusco. We also visited Machupicchu, which I have to say was the most beautiful place I have ever seen in my entire life. It was an awesome, once in a lifetime experience. While on my trip, I read a book called the Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls. It was a really interesting book, I definitely recommend it. I have 2 summer reading books that still need to be started... maybe I'll get one done during our trip. As far as my hobbies and interests go, I spend a ton of time playing tennis. Next year my best friend and I will be captains on our high school's tennis team. I'm going to be preparing for that a lot this summer. I also LOVE going to the beach with my friends. Pretty much every sunny day last summer we would go to the beach. I can't wait to physically live on beaches for a full week- it's like a dream come true. I'm not musically talented my self but I love listening to my iPod and finding new music on the internet. I listen to and like pretty much every type of music, but over the summer my playlist is dominated by reggae. I'll have to bring some CD's for the trip. Animals & science are two of my other favorite things of course.
    Can't wait to see everyone this Thursday!

  4. hey!
    im really excited for pre-trip and the actual trip! its been my lifeline when schools been a major killer.
    I really like to swim, i've been on my school's team since freshman year, and am also doing summer club swimming to prepare me for varsity next year, which is exciting. I also have alot of "media" to catch up on now that school is out and i have lots of free time: books, music, movies, tv shows etc. but really music is the most important of those, and currently i'm listening to passion pit, muse, and jack johnson the most..but im open to lots of different artists

  5. Hey Everybody (this is Maggie)! It seems that you all are keeping busy, even in the summer time! Has anyone ever read "Eye of the Albatross: Visions of Hope and Survival" by Carl Safina? An HSMB participant gave it to me years ago and I really enjoyed it. Another book--which is an oldie (but a goodie) is "Old Man and the Sea" by Ernest Hemingway. We have some copies at Shedd if anyone wants to borrow one. Hemingway lived in Bimini for a few years in the 1930's--you guys may see the reminents of the hotel he used to frequent in Alice Town called "The Compleat Angler". Unfortunately, it burned down in 2006, but you can still see fragments of it. As far as music, I'm really into the Gorillaz right now (Colby got me into them a few months back). I'm looking forward to hearing from more HSMBers of 2010 and seeing you on Thursday!

  6. Glad to see that everybody is keeping busy this summer! Laura, Domonique and I have been keeping VERY busy as well getting prepared for HSMB to get going later this week. Without giving too much away, I can definitely say that we have some amazing expereinces in store for us! If you all want to take a quick look over some of the videos and links that I have posted in those sections, you might get a sneak peek into some of the things that we might do and/or some of the places that we might visit this summer. As for me personally, I'm finding it difficult to fill the gap of my first love (the Cubs) this summer b/c they stink so bad. So I've been forced to fill my time with stuff other than going to games or watching them on TV. Which is OK b/c it has meant that I have spent more time outside hiking around forest preserves around the city, going to the beach or just reading. I'm just finishing a book called "Of Wolves and Men" by Barry Lopez. It's a good read if you are into history, native American culture and of course... wolves. Look foreword to seeing you all on Thursday!

  7. Hey guys!
    Wow, everyone has done a lot so far this summer! I’ve only been out of school for a week now due to all of the snow days, so I haven’t done anything too exciting. I keep myself busy volunteering, working, going to sport practices, and hanging out with friends. I play basketball and run cross country and track, and we’ve started summer miles and open gyms. I love to read, but I don’t usually have time. I just finished “Old Man and the Sea”, beyond that, though, I haven’t read anything interesting. I’m really excited to see and get to know everyone tomorrow and am looking forward to the experience we are about to have!

  8. Hello everyone! A lot of you have Bern doing some pretty incredible things over the summer. I cannot wait to hear about all of them. As far as what I've done, I have started to work on some of my summer assignments for school by reading Catch-22. I'm about a quarter through it, and it's picking up pace. I'll let you know what I think of it when I finish. Also, I've been hanging out with friends, cooking, and I recently took a trip to Arizona to visit some family and see the Red Tocks of Sedona and the Grand Canyon. It was absolutely breathtaking. Other than that, my hobbies include cooking (anyone watch Food Network?), running, singing, acting, and playing trombone. I participate in my school's band and theatre. I also tutor for trombone. I love animals, my family and friends, and the Ocean and Sciences. Well, I can't wait to see all of you tomorrow! I'm so excited!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Sorry, that should say been and Rocks, not Bern and Tocks. My iPod messed it up.

  11. I watch Food Network! :) Welllll...I just finished my HSMB homework <3 My day has been hectic and my summer will be too. You guys all sound busy also! During the summer, I am occupied mostly by working and volunteering, and it's because I love both and choose to do both!I babysit a 9 year old boy Monday-Friday. I also work at a pizza place on Mondays and Thursdays. On the weekends I volunteer at the Arlington Racetrack with something called "Kids On Track" This year is my first year; the volunteers help with the day camp, which is completely free. The children that attend the camp are children of less fortunate employees at the racetrack and I am SO excited!! Other than working and volunteering, I love to go roller blading, exploring in the woods, and driving to new, random places for adventures with my friends. I like to read, I just finished a book called "The Best Little Girl in the World" It was about a girl with anorexia; I like dramatic topics for books I read! My other interests/hobbies include art(I love to paint), watching movies(<3<3<3!!!), collecting elephant everything, interacting with children, and of course, the outdoors!! See you all tomorrow! :)
