H S M B 2 0 1 0

H S M B 2 0 1 0 -- Your journey begins here...

Monday, July 19, 2010

If you had 1 more week in Bimini...

Now that we have all had a few days to readjust to living on land, let's reflect back to the research projects we were working on. You all started some interesting projects while we were there. However, we all wish we could have more time to extend the work. If you did have 1 more week to extend your research project and/or to research anything you would like about the ecosystems of Bimini, what would you research? Why?


  1. It was honestly depressing waking up wednesday morning to my room instead my bunk. I really wish I could have had one more week in Bimini. If I did have one more week in Bimini, I would really like to do more research with fish diversity. Not just fish diversity in different locations, but at the same locations at different times of day and in different weather conditions. We were fortunate enough to do a night and day dive at Hesperus and Moxon Rocks. I would also like to see the differences in fish diversity between early morning, afternoon, evening, and night. I think it would be interesting to dive in the same location multiple times in a day to really see if there are significant differences or just minor differences in fish diversity. It would also be interesting to see if weather patterns affect different species and their presence or absence in an ecosystem. I would like to see how different animals react to different weather conditions.

    In terms of my research on water quality, I would like to test for pollutants in water samples. I want to know what types of pollutants are found in different locations and how high each pollutant's concentration is. This would be interesting to see which pollutants are or are not present and where they could have possibly originated.

  2. If I had one more week in Bimini, I would love to continue research on development's effects on the ecosystems in the area. Seeing the connections between multiple parts of the world really interests me. Greater data in this area would really peak my experience even more. This correlates with my project, since we focused on developed areas versus nondeveloped areas. Another thing I would love to experience is some of the things Kel was talking about with the Dolphin Communication Project. I would love to take that underwater camera out and go dolphin watching. Also, I think it would be awesome to go through more of a day in the life of a worker at the Shark Lab. Gosh, I miss Bimini...
